
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sick and goats

Ick! I hate being sick. I'd blame lil' sis for bringing the flu home from school, but I picked it up too fast for her to have exposed me. I think we picked it up from dance, but I'm not sure. Therefore, I'm sick and trying to get better, but the goats aren't helping.

Since it has been cold and wet, I needed to move the goats to the greenhouse for the night. Mal was annoying and required some chasing to catch him. Then, the stupid goat butted me in the lower ribs. I think he bruised them pretty well. That wasn't it, the goat had the gall to butt me right above the left knee from behind. I'd love to beat him, but mom says it is my fault for naming him such. At least Jane was reasonable in the moving process.

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