Ok, Professor Horvat wasn't too bad today. I'm starting to think he is a professor version of Mr. Hall. I liked Mr. Hall, even with his occasionally annoying personality. I do have to credit my HS graduation to the man. Professor Horvat just pulls the normally
very well hidden smart ass out of me. I think I spend more time arguing with him than I actually spend writing notes. Not that it is a bad thing! ;-) Now, if I could convince Professor Kuehls to actually speak a normal language instead of Historical Technical Manual, I think everything will be grand. No complaints for Professor Bird, but it is a large class and I love my computer for his class, since he talks so fast and he just gives a basic outline for notes. I love Okular and review notes for this class.
Dad was just labeling his Milk Stout that he made with Craig on
Teach a Friend to Brew Day. (November 7th, 2009) He poured out a glass and I took a taste. My amature review? Fantastic! It definitely has a different flavor from a typical hoppy beer. Great frothy head. (I got some stuck up my nose!) Smells like a dark buckwheat honey. Taste? Has hints of roasted coffee and chocolate with faint notes of a dark malt syrup and a tad bite of sweet. (I remember pulling syrup dripping from the drums onto my finger and licking it off when I was younger and Dad was occupied at the brewing store.) This one didn't itch at all, so I'm happy. Just might be that Dad doesn't heavily carbonate his beers. Dad even served it at a reasonable temperature. Cool, but not cold.
Well, I'm going to turn over this microphone and head for my local haystack!